The Apostles’ Creed has as its heart, “That I may be His own,” and indeed you are. Through the teaching of what God has done about our broken creation, our sin, and our depravity, we learn that God has begun to restore creation, forgiven our sin, and undone our depravity through His Christ, Jesus. Luther contrasts the Commandments and the Creed by saying:

… you see the Creed is a doctrine quite different from the Ten Commandments. For the Commandments teach what we ought to do. But the Creed tells what God does for us and gives to us… the Creed brings pure grace and makes us godly and acceptable to God. For by this knowledge we have love and delight in all God’s commandments [Romans 7:22]. Here we see that God gives Himself to us completely. He gives all that He has and is able to do in order to aid and direct us in keeping the Ten Commandments. The Father gives all creatures. The Son gives His entire work. And the Holy Spirit bestows all gifts (Martin Luther, The Large Catechism, para. 67, 69).

Below you will find the series of sermons and services about the Apostles’ Creed and hear of all that your God has done for you.